Got Questions?

We've the answers 👇

LEO is a highly accurate gluten detection tool, designed to detect 5 ppm of hidden gluten with an accuracy of 96%.

Yes, our test kits have a shelf life of 18 months. Hurray! 🥳

No, these are single-use kits.

Cross-contamination can be tricky. To increase your chances of detecting potential issues, we recommend swabbing your food in 3-5 different spots. This improves the likelihood of capturing gluten present from shared utensils or cooking surfaces.

As of now, we only ship in US.

Don't worry, we've got you covered! Our website has clear instructions and video tutorials to guide you through the testing process. If you have any questions, our friendly support team is always happy to help!

LEO is designed for speed and convenience. It takes 2 minutes to see a clear result indicating whether gluten is present above 5 PPM.

LEO works effectively on a wide range of foods. However, we do not recommend testing the following items:

  • Alcohol
  • Pure Xanthan Or Guar Gum
  • Fermented Items Like Beer
  • Hydrolyzed Foods such as soy sauce and malt extract / flavoring

We are currently working on building partnerships with celiac disease organizations. In the meantime, we encourage you to learn more about the science behind LEO and its effectiveness in detecting gluten.

LEO is a powerful tool, but like any tool, it has limitations. The sample size can't guarantee catching every single trace of gluten. However, LEO excels at detecting gluten in common scenarios like hidden ingredients, incorrectly labeled foods, or accidental cross-contamination. Think of it as a safety net that catches the big things, but it's still important to use common sense and be aware of potential risks.

LEO is designed for speed and convenience. The entire testing process, from taking out the kit to receiving results, takes about 3 minutes. This allows you to test your food quickly without significantly impacting the temperature of your meal. Many people with celiac disease find that using LEO empowers them to enjoy a meal with greater confidence. In some cases, using a gluten tester can actually raise awareness and encourage better practices in the restaurant kitchen.

The cost of a LEO test kit is comparable to other health and safety measures people with celiac disease take. When you consider the potential cost of medical bills due to accidental gluten exposure, LEO can be a valuable investment in your well-being.

LEO prioritizes portability and user-friendliness for on-the-go testing. While it might not be a lab-grade instrument, it utilizes innovative testing methods with a focus on accuracy and ease of use.

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