The Technology Behind LEO

Revolutionary gluten extraction method using iFAMs & eco-friendly imidazolium-based ionic liquids.
Learn More About LEO's Tech
The Problem

Traditional Gluten Testers Were A Drag.

  • Pricey: Drained wallets along with your energy.
  • Tricky to Use: Complex systems. bulky testers. Ugh!
  • Limited: Not sensitive enough to catch low levels of gluten.
  • Slow as Snail: Endless wait for result, on a rumbling stomach.

Less Freedom.
More Frustration.
Limited Eating Out.

We get it. We hear you.

That's Why We Made LEO

Call it your new gluten-free tester or your friendly dining-out gluten detective.
No more frustration, no waiting. Just a quick and easy way to know exactly what you're eating.

We've taken the complexity out of gluten testing—It's fast, accurate, and fits right in your pocket.

The LEO (R&D) team has created a specialized pair of antibodies that extract gluten like never before.


LEO's use of iFAMs takes the guesswork out of gluten detection. With a detection limit of 0.04 mg/kg, iFAMs is incredibly sensitive, exceeding regulatory standards (20 mg/kg).

Detection Level

The current LEO tester has a detection level starting at 5 PPM and has recorded results as high as 400 PPM. LEO is the only user-friendly tester available with this level of gluten-sensitivity.

Swift Extraction

Our high affinity antibody is conjugated with gold nanoparticle. The quickest solution for extracting gliadin within seconds, enhancing the sensor’s sensitivity to gliadin.


Making a gluten sensor wasn't that big of a problem. The main obstacle was to keep it compact and affordable for individuals & families who suffer due to celiac or gluten intolerance.
What that Means for you

Food Without Worry

A dream LEO turns into reality for people with celiac disease. Here's why LEO is remarkable:

Faster Than Ever

Know if your food is safe within minutes, not hours. Get result in just 2 minutes. Enjoy food before it gets cold.

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Simple To Use

No more bulky gadgets or science fair flashbacks. Forget complicated steps.

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Super Sensitive

Detects even tiny amounts of gluten, well below the 20 PPM threshold. Very useful for people who react to even trace amounts of gluten.



The food freedom you need in a single, portable system that won't break your bank. Making peace of mind accessible to everyone.

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Enjoy the freedom to eat out and experience a wider world of delicious possibilities.